Team Gear

From West Of Vipers Gate
Revision as of 21:56, 1 February 2022 by Silverwizard (talk | contribs)
A mule
Beliefs Instincts
I hate them. Run from danger.
I won’t do it. Bite the bastards.
Will B3
Per B2
Pow B6
For B6
Spd B3
Agi B4
Steel B3
Hesitation 7
PGTS Net effect from wounds: -0D

Tolerance Su Li Mi Se Tr Mo
Coordinate B4 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12
Reflexes B5
Stride 8
Stubborn Stunted
Flea-Bitten Beast of Burden
Worn Out Long Limbed
Hooved Keen Hearing
Cart Training
Attacks Hoof I B3 M B7 S B11 WS 3 VA -

Two elven longswords

A bunch of magical knickknacks for kidnapping

Telescope: Allows observation checks over long distances

3 Sleep Arrows: These five arrows have their tips replaced by a small vial of poison which, when shattered, fills the area with a gas. Ob3 Forte test or fall unconcious for a minute.

Roden Firebomb: Lights on fire, B9 wound to anyone too close

5 Flare Stones: An alchemically treated bag containing special herbs and two stones. Striking them together (usually by throwing) makes a giant flash of light. Make a Speed Ob 3 test to close your eyes or be blinded for 20 Fight actions (+2 Ob to anything where seeing might be valuable).