Stalish Pirates

From West Of Vipers Gate
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The Stalish Pirates

Being pirates of the The Southern Ocean, the Stalish are beholden to the Golden Kingdom of the South. They know that if they do their job and bring in slaves, they can live. And if they fail, the death artists of the Vaun will take their flesh and create withered slaves for their fields.

They are all fiercly loyal to Julrun who is incredibly dangerous to cross. This means that they wont do an overt display of mutiny without an incredibly good reason, they also will likely tell their captain about anything major. But they are all also very used to keeping secrets, and have their own fears and vices.

Julrun the Fighter

Julrun has recently fallen on hard times, being forced out of the position of King of the Southmen after attempting to bed the daughter of his Visier outside of wedlock. During his escape he stole one of his own navy's boats which he rechristened the Glittering Shark. Picking up a series of pirates, mostly as slaves or rogues also on the run, he's been gathering something to make yet another fortune. He hopes one day to be a king again.

Beliefs: Nothing on earth has value, comfort is the actual goal. Adventure calls to my soul.

Instincts: Run before things get too dangerous. Spend money to solve problems.


Seyla is a kinslayer and a dark elf. They killed their own father due to abuse in their childhood. Their younger brother didn't survive the final indignity. However, due to their singing the Sorrow of Truth, they were branded a kinslayer and banished.

And so, after spending thirty years as a mining slave, they were purchased by Julrun as a ship's navigator.

Their only real sexual characteristics are their single breast, and the mass of scar tissue where the other has been cut off. Their face and skin has been burned by salt, removing almost all obvious features, and making it hard to tell they are an elf.

Beliefs: I survive because I am in debt to others, that makes me no better than the slaves. Belle is the only person who has never harmed me, make sure she is happy.

Instincts: Always watch the waves and the skies, they are my true family. Assume everyone is lying, and always double check.

Belle De La Ducca

A woman on the run from a duke who took a fancy to her. She joined the crew voluntarily, and Julrun has never once ever propositioned her without accepting her answer. She is fairly dangerous, since her exile she has been training regularly with a knife, and become incredibly dangerous.

Despite her own hatred of violence and desire for her own freedom, she has become the bosun of the crew, meteing out punishments and managing slaves.

Beliefs: My freedom is all that matters, one day I will have my own vessel and finally be free. Julrun protects me, but I wont let him know I find comfort in that.

Instincts: Always have a knife on me. Never reciprocate kindness.

Firth Groundshaker

Firth was a gambler in his heart. Where other dwarves were often driven by industry, Firth's longed for the easy win. It longed so much for it that he'd eventually driven himself so far into debt that he had to flee his home in the Adderwall.

Fleeing to the south he ended up hearing the legends of the Golden Kingdom and decided that he would strike out along the southern ocean and find the legendary kingdom, earn his fortune, and return home, pay off his debts and live the rest of his days rich.

When he did find the city of Cret Vaun, he was driven to the gold madness, killing at least one person in his desire. Being branded a criminal he was made a slave for twenty years.

Having completed his sentence in the salt mines, he has signed on with Julrun in order to try to finally make his way back north, and perhaps find some of his family.

Beliefs: Seyla is the only person who remembers the horror of the mine. Only they understand me. I'd rather find a quick win than hard work.

Instincts: Never turn down a challenge. Always be on the lookout for something new.

Zenth Twoclaw

Zenth is fleeing from her own deity. She was a member of a Visionary Cult who worshiped a drowned mountain volcano. Unfortunately, after a fire spirit got loose within the cult, their Visionary decreed all summoners would be put to death.

Fleeing the island on a small raft, Zenth washed up days later on another island. After spending a week foraging and trying to find a way out, it turned out that Julrun had placed some gold and other supplies. When he looked in on the cache he found a roden eating his food, and became enraged. She begged to be allowed to join the crew, and, upon learning of her Gift, Julrun begrudgingly agreed to take her in.

Zenth has gone through very little horror in their life, and has always been a part of something larger. They still worship the volcano, and give it sacrifices by casting specially prepared eggs into the sea nightly, but they are lonely in a way that only a communal creature all alone can be. They appreciate the pirate crew as a place to stay, and are glad of the home, but they definitely would prefer their home community.

Beliefs: True comfort comes from the divine, one day I will be allowed back in the fold. Firth understands my loss in a way not even he understands.

Instincts: Give offerings to the spirits and the rest of the divine as I move around. Never be without a knife, a bag of dry rations, and a rope.



Nyssa has been an oar slave for at least a year. Being blind she made a terrible field and mine worker so was left with the Stalish. She keeps solid rhythm so is often in charge of timekeeping.

She was originally a nomad who was travelling south from Barrowcross and into the Glades with her family, when they were attacked. Her clan's tradition of hunting and their relationship with the orcs meant that they fought bitterly. It was she who killed Gran, the pirates' old bosun, which was what lead Zenth to use his last blinding powder on her. She has been very proud, and has not buckled to the pirates, but has also started to hope her defiance will make them kill her.

Beliefs: I would kill anyone or do anything to have a horse. My lack of sight doesn't stop me from being useful.

Instincts: Touch someone's face before trusting who they claim to be. Hold some extra food in secret in case I need to flee or I am starved


Oarslave was once born great. He was out on his clan's naming ritual (he had to hunt a Great Boar and return), and was successful in finding the boar. After the battle his companions (three other orcs who had earned the right) were slain, leaving him alone and wounded. Seyla and Julrun brought him back to health, only to enslave him. His ritual not being finished, he is simply known as Oarslave.

Currently, he wishes to learn from Julrun, he has been wanting to become a member of the pirates. Belle's punishments and lashes are some of the lightest he has receieved, and he would like in on this life of luxury. Julrun cannot understand a creature that would enjoy the indignities they pile upon him, and therefore has never entertained the idea of him joining the crew.

Beliefs: These beloved are my ticket to luxury, find a way to join this crew. Scars are won in battle, those who wear them know deep truths.

Instincts: Obey. Sell out anyone to save myself harm.