The Ghost Ship

From West Of Vipers Gate
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On their way from The Golden Kingdom, the group found a dead ship. Everything aboard the ship was dead and dying, and rotten. Except for Morgan who welcomed them aboard the ship. Morgan had been abandoned by several Masters of the Wizard's Guild, and has been exploring. The ship itself was mouldering and specifically covered in a strange grey mould.

After some exploring of the upper levels, the heroes found the entrance to the lower decks of the boat, and then, after looking around, found the centre of the mould. With some experimentation they managed to setup a system of writing and communication with the mould, and became aware that it was stranded in this reality, trying to hop to a new one, stranded with a lack of energy. After some deliberation, Morgan began to just create spirits and channel energy into the mould until it sailed off into the darkness.

And then, confronted the Daemon pretending to be Israfil. Back on the Glittering Shark, there's a fairly large dust up between Morgan and the Daemon, culminating in Morgan admitting he was wrong, and leaving.