Wagon Train
The Wagon Train performs a Gathering action every single day, with a foraging of B5 (this represents the actions of the characters, and they can't do anything else, rations gathered by the W agon Train stay with the Wagon Train unless stolen) It has a speed of 1/2 hex/day maximum, and can only move on Roads or Rivers (if floated), and takes 2 actions to do so
Nelson & Frik - a human and dwarf pair of friends who work for the duchess - employed as guards - Nelson Beliefs: One day I'll finally get made a Man At Arms, In for a penny in for a pound - Frik Beliefs: Oath: My Clan owes the duchess and I will protect her interests, Nelson owes me money so protect him first
Miles Marchan - a human son of a merchant family, after recieving his inheritence (B8 Resources) he has gone to the edges of the world to seek his fortune, he fancies himself a treasure hunt er, but is much more likely to turn found treasures into cash dice via his Resources - Beliefs: The West is unclaimed and unexploited land that I can claim for myself, The sheer power of the train means I can likely make some cash on the side
Abel & Lauelia - a human and elf who are employed driving the two oxen pulling the two wagons - Abel Beliefs: Being in the west is bullshit, The duchess is a wastrel and tyrant and I wish these people hadn't promoted her - Lauelia Beliefs: The humans have no respect for the oxen, The trees of Minev's forest are a new family who I'm happy to be meeting