
From West Of Vipers Gate

A crown is unit of currency.

The crown is a common coin used amongst the wealthy. They are minted out of gold, and almost exclusively used for managing land deals and large scale movement of goods. They have no backed value, there is no obvious form of buyback, however they are worth the amount of gold.

These are generally considered quite rare, as the Elves tend to re-cast them into other forms, often small jewelry, due to their lack of respect for metal currency. This means that in areas of the world controlled closely by human kings, elven jewelry is often illegal, or heavy duties have been levied for its import.

Because of the work to keep crowns in circulation, they are often not spent outside the nobility, and so their use tends to convey trust, as well as a sign of being noble.

Despite the protectionism about the coin, the nobility ends up wanting to use this coin exclusively. This means that it is often split into a piece of eight, allowing these pieces to be use to pay smaller debts. Pieces of eight tend to be used by dukes and counts, but lower nobility often is uncomfortable making them, and tends to do their best to get rid of them within the proper social classes.